The exclamation “sshh!” is a demand for silence. Silence, a prelude to sleeping. Sleeping, a prelude to dreaming. Dreaming, a prelude to the show. Sshh! It’s just about to start!

In the gentle land of dreams, where happiness is an illusion, reality gives way to the imagination. That is why dreaming—whether asleep or awake—holds such fascination for children. Nighttime gives rise to fabulous images, new forms and unimagined creatures that may be magical or nightmarish, delightful or fantastic. Whether our dreams seek to satisfy a need or desire, deal with a difficult situation, or symbolize a goal, they are a gift we all must embrace.


We walk, dance and tumble through SSHH!! with the roguish Julie as our guide. This new work from Hélène Langevin gives us the unique opportunity to experience the dreams of a traveller who is not solitary at all… Julie has just closed her eyes, and is starting to slip into a delicious sleep, taking the audience with her to a parallel reality, a place with surrealistic touches, where the body’s boundless energy joins forces with the impenetrable mysteries of shadow play. As her dreams unfold, Julie encounters some most surprising characters. On the other side of the mirror, a majestic snail, a group of graceful nymphs, a woman with four arms, a strange turkey and some odd mechanical toys take her on a series of astounding adventures.

In the pages of this storybook, deliberately shuffled out of order, the heroine isn’t running after a rabbit. In this succession of incredibly varied tableaux, only the shadows–hers as well as those of the objects and creatures she meets on her way–give Julie a sense of direction. The production seeks to inspire, and to leave room for the children’s own interpretations. The playful, energetic choreography from Hélène Langevin engages her in a fascinating conversation with some of the most talented and innovative artists working today, including Marcelle Hudon and her shadow work, a reference in the field in Quebec.


“pulsing performance overflows with colour and creativity (…)”

“One thing is clear : Hélène Langevin really knows how to captivate an audience. This dynamic, pulsing performance overflows with colour and creativity, and its theatricalityis just enough to hold the audience’s attention from beginning to end. As rich as it is accessible, the work and its movements give young people a taste of a variety of dance styles. This is an effective, intelligent form of entertainment, to be sampled with or without the kids. ”

“To an audience filled with curious, active youngsters, Langevin extended an invitation to share experience and emotion. The children responded whole heartedly, laughing, tumbling and expressing themselves together, bound by the magic of the performance. ”
La Presse

“Shadow play occupies an important part of the show, and the choreographer works with the shadows adroitly, avoiding repetition and often re-inventing the genre. The shadow play by Marcelle Hudon is, quite simply, perfect. (…) The performers are brilliant and funny, at times quite touching and fragile. CHUT!! is an introduction to dance that takes us higher, pushes us further, in a most charming and intelligent atmosphere.”
Samedi et rien d’autre, Première chaîne de Radio-Canada

“(…) the seamless integration of the shadows makes the piece even more fascinating. The performers are like charismatic, multi-talented chameleons, making magic with the shadows, and ensuring the success of the piece with its young audience.”
Le Devoir

“You don’t often see “dance hit” and “youngaudiences” in the same sentence, but Langevin hasthe winning formula down pat in the enchanting production CHUT!!. (…) Langevin entertains while educating by combining solid dance moments with elements of broad physical theatre. This carefully measured mix allows chlidren to hoot and holler and be impressed at the same time.”
The Gazette

116 performances of SSHH!! were held from 2005 to 2008.

Rehearsal Mistress

LOUIS HUDON (Costumes)
YAN LEE CHAN (Lighting)
(Set Design)

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